WHERE THE .UCK ARE WE HOMO SAPIENS GOING;  ISBN-9780473468637 is a a5 sized soft covered book written by myself, (Bob Simmonds) it contains 166,521 words or thereabout on 431 pages. I have tried to show how in my opinion with a few exemptions the worlds human population has in especially the last couple of generations been socially engineered to the extent that the majorities perspective of what  those of my generation grew up with and considered normal has been stood on its head. Consequently much of what was only a few years ago considered in many cases abhorrent is now considered absolutely normal.  Even in the early seventies no one would have dreamt that a couple of homosexuals could get married in a bloody church then legally with the states blessing adopt children. Worldwide beginning in around 1975 slowly but surely the cart was being positioned in front of the horse and now the whole outfit is ARSE ABOUT FACE. Moral behaviour of all sorts has been reversed, massive personal debt is normal; prisons educate their clients  to a higher degree of criminality  than universities prepare their students for lawful occupations.     Previously when I was randomly selecting a page or two for the excerpts I could pick out the pages that I felt  would better clinch  the deal, however now by taking them in sequence while I feel it's more honest it probably  is not such a good idea when trying to convince somebody to buy it.
In this section I have endeavoured to write a synopsis for this book, (WHERE  THE .UCK ARE HOMO SAPIENS GOING) I have tried to be honest , but truthfully writing about something you have written yourself is rather difficult. Always in the back of your mind is the knowledge or the fact, that if  it's under done the book will not sell, but if it is over rated and the buyer is disappointed it won't be long before they will justifiably claim to have been RIPPED OFF and I certainly don't want that to happen.
From my perspective there can be no doubt that since the mid seventies the world has changed for those born pre 1970 or there about, however those born post around that time don't seem to realise that things aren't what they use to be as they have known no other. For me the biggest change has been in the makeup of the workforce in all types of occupations some more so than others but majority  I speak too seem impervious to the changing demographics, furthermore  almost none seem disturbed or worried about  where it is designed to take us. Practically without exception all the businesses in the central part of any town you go to is practical and in many cases 100% staffed today by females, whether or not they all identify as such I don't know, but I do know anyone that way inclined has been encouraged to identify as the opposite to what they appear. And that leaves me with the question!!  Where the     .uck are the males? when I was a pre 5-year old the answer was easy  "they were all fighting in the  contrived war" but what is the real reason nowadays?