Practically all the engineering gear I had when this enterprise was launched was an old arc welder that arrived in BOB BK 03 a small grinder and a 10 mm drill.        Mig welders, and even a lathe were quickly acquired and mastered, the piece of plant on the right is by no means the biggest thing that came out of my workshop but is typical of what I designed and built. The problem with most of these self-important communist or maorified educationists is that bugger-al  have done what they are teaching preaching in the real world where their survival depends on their own ability to constantly adapt to different situations. You have to ask then answer this question yourself, “if some have done it why are they not still doing it for themselves?” You will find my answer in FICTION OR NONFICTION.      (Here is a excerpt copied from my book FICTION OR NONFICTION) [Copy starts;]  christ almighty it is already obvious this dog Patch never went to any school, where he had his mind corrupted and f…… up by schoolteachers. At least, I can honestly say I have written this without repeating what some clever bugger has told me which is all most school teachers ever do. Right  or wrong, year  after year, another generation three quarters shagged up, with most leaving school knowing less that’s any use to them than they knew as 5 year olds. Most do not know what the 3r’s mean, but teachers and pupils alike, can tell you what their rights are under our screwed up democratic laws where the minority  lord it over and dictate to the majority .  [Copy ends:]
      Practically 100% in a democracy have attended some sort of institution that is still referred to as a school, in most democracies and especially New Zealand; the duly elected governments have long lost control of what kids are taught.  Before you pooh-pooh or ridicule  that  get hold of the curriculum and read it for yourself,  then ask some older employer how youngsters starting work today compare to those starting 30 years ago, its no good asking some school kid with manager  written on his  / her shirt because they  have come through the same system. Better still ask some of your grand kids that you think are so bloody bright because they can turn on a cell phone and you cannot, just how the thing actually works. Worldwide  80% of the population is being educated into believing that they are cleverer  then any other, but in reality are poorer educated in what matters than any that has preceded them.   Finally, I will get to the other 20%, these are the ones that the lying .astards will have us believe have fallen through the cracks in the education  and social systems, roughly, 10% are engaged in criminal anti social activities, 5% become the  entrepreneurs who after having completed their, in some cases quite lengthy apprenticeships as con artists  that go on to be the wealthy  that control the 5% who do know how your grand kids cell phone does actually work. Some of the 80% do make different components of it, and others assemble it, but apart from turning it on, none know how it works. (it may be quite enlightening  for some to study as one example how more than one ruler of China  kept control of new technologies, after the need for it past  it was snowballed along with all that knew or understood how it actually worked. Now compared that to just how few of the enlightened clever educated .astards today actually know how the  gadgetry that is never out of their hands work  .THINK ABOUT IT !         If the period that this book spans has taught me nothing else, it has made me realize that primarily the democratic system of governance that the so-called free world adheres to is an absolute sham. Even if most of us including the deluded .astards that are in charge of it think democracy is government by and for the people, apposed to any other that has been portrayed as being for the state and those in power, they are indeed deluded or simply dishonest. In short, communists control the population openly and directly with the stick, democracies control the population covertly and deceitfully with the carrot. With the democratic system, the worst and most infiltrated is education, and the poor deluded soles that actually think they are equipping children to succeed in life, anyone my age that thinks schooling is as it was in our day is also sadly deluded. The democratic system needs 80% of the population to be followers, and think that everything is as portrayed by the media or any of the numerous devices that have a screen, or what is innocently commonly referred to as a monitor. Has it not occurred to you or have you ever wondered if in rough figures if about 80% are in much the same situation with employment, credit cards, etcetera what happens to the other 20%. In my opinion that 20% are the ones that the propagandists refer to as having fallen through the cracks, in fact they are the ones that they have been unable to corrupt the minds of.   Excerpt from BOB BOOK 04 continues.